A rough sketch of next level NFT participation…..



Support the Game Development, Get on the Dev Team & Own a Piece of the Action All in One Shot with the VUDUNFT Series.

Join the toughest P2E NFT online gaming community there is. A group of true liberators, truly strong individuals who galvanize themselves against the “VUDU”.


See VUDUBRKR NFTs  [1, 2 (polygon)]

Many of the best VUDUBRKR NFT Collections will be distributed through video game play, and other challenges. These NFTs will all be used to eventually access and play other games including a new type of NFT RGP game, an NFT VUDUCASINO, NFT Books and Animations Developments, and an NFT VUDUMASTERY GAME in the future where NFTs will be able to change and breed and allow interesting, creative new worldwide activity in a story collectively owned and written by our unique community.

A community whose top tier membership will aim to launch real world activities that go with the gym such as fitness challenges and is open to incredible ideas such a unified R. Steiner (1922) Biodynamic land enhancement application XPRIZE experiment and more. It will, without a doubt be fun and very ambitious and interesting to work on this particular team of multifaceted visionaries!


This video game takes the opportunity to “drop old-school wisdoms” that address social and cultural issues that the target market (video gamers) faces in suicide rates, depression, mental health challenges, obesity and other unhealthy physical and mental forms, a toxic “control-freak” culture, and the narcissistic abuse epidemics (which no one really understands or has terms for at this time).

The VB NFT team has lots of what we feel are cutting-edge ideas and interests that take our cool games to form a cool NFT high-quality community, build value in the NFTs, and slowly and naturally cultivate a super-high quality contribution and maybe even quality of life to our small yet punch-packing little group. We give out a lot of NFTs in Boxing & Martial Arts Gyms, Weight Rooms, and to athletic affiliates, self-improvement specialists, trainers, etc. We believe honesty, character, and strength are above all.

JOIN UP at the beginning stages and be at the top!