“ProPsychologics” – A new phrase from the video game world who says we need to support certain games.
“ProPsychologics” can also mean “intentional brain culturing with new ideas and perspectives,” says the Voodoo Breaker game founder who told me his “name does not matter” when I asked for it.
“Don’t we kind of already know we do this to ourselves in a negative way with certain television programming?”
“With this Web3 movement we can make games with storylines we write, and groups can come together and write storylines that move us back to where we want to be.”
I thought that sounded pretty good.
He proceeded to explain that modern mistakes made by the big machine mechanics of corporate America, and the way profits and debts are handled we have completely inappropriate hardware and acceptance of that hardware to remain competitive.
“Kids today have no intuition, they have no idea what is real, what is man-made, what is a truth, how to find out, how to do research or self-investigation, they have all had their wings clipped in an extremely of domestication. Many times they are the reason their parent lives, through government benefits. Marx’s Communist Manifesto declared to achieve a perfect specialist state the family must be reduced to a mere money relation. Kids today have no heart, they are a heartless, separated generation that has received the height of terrible for-profit programming their entire lives. ”
We can simplify a lot of this stuff with simple pattern recognition.
There are “live and let live people,” and there are “control-freaks.”
When you have someone who has to control everything, be very wary of that person, this condition many times is the sign that their soul has been won over by evil. It may not last forever, and then again chances are good, that it may.
Why You Want to Get into the Voodoo Breaker Video Game as an Alienated Parent
This game is a Web3/Blockchain NFT Play to Earn (P2E) that builds real value for a community that understands this voodoo abuse, how brutal it really is, how evil those who get the check really are, and have a passionate desire to see it changed culturally and legally, that offers perspective to alienated youth.
The truth is Parental Alienation [which most of the time now is state-sponsored legal kidnapping, and brainwashing made possible by evil youth professionals who don’t listen to the real youth professionals who care about kids], is not the only voodoo we are dealing with. Today these poor kids are hit from all sides, they receive a spectrum of voodoo attacks.
We have made a video game that helps to “break the voodoo,” and calls out many evils for what they are in a deep storyline based on true eventual evolutions; bringing the spotlight to certain popular dark practices of our day. In other words, we make it easier to identify this reality.
There is a demon that moves in silence, that attacks family bonds and love for parents and children directly whose victims are so heartbroken they can’t cry out or move! Then they become their worst versions until they are able to break the curse off of themselves, because this situation is one no one ever wants to help with, it is too dark. Victims of this voodoo attack have the highest rates of drug addiction and suicide of any other social class. This demon comes to light under the titles of Family Court, Department of Child Protective Services, Child Support Enforcement Agencies, and inspires other demons and narcissists into the army of spiritual annihilation with a paycheck even (several paychecks for the highly manipulative).
When they lie about the important stuff to love ones today it’s ok these days. How many other cultures on earth throughout history would have accepted this? I imagine most cultures would have been disgusted by anything like this and prosecuted the child abuser. I myself don’t see this really coming up nearly as much without a gub system promoting it. By identifying and prosecuting it, obviously, we would see the biggest changes. Guss what we plan to do something there also.
“This is a lifelong commitment now to truth and justice itself.”
Why You Want to Get into the Voodoo Breaker Video Game as an Alienated Parent reason #1
Shooting evil p.o.s’s is fun!
My kid was kidnapped and brainwashed and the State of Virginia and gub paid her kidnapper and destroyed me completely based on false filings at a false address three months out of visitation court with my real address. The mail was even returned marked “burned down residence.” I stayed away from the mother who already made false allegations against me for the entire relationship with my child still somehow fabricated events that supposedly took place before the child was born as a reason to abuse this child this way. IT iOnly in these unconstitutional courts can this grievous type of brutal domestic violence, and assault crime be committed not to mention the obvious child abuse! It is child abuse.
As the VoodooBreaker game and the VoodooBreakr NFT collections become more popular our cultural counterweight will become heavier. People who play this game will receive the idea that public slander of kidnapping and brainwashing is cool, and kids who are unable to contact parents because they have been weaponized against them are old, over, and run over with a truck situation that needs to go already in 2022. It will describe relationships like this on the abusive controlling on they are and thy importance of getting away from them and those who play this way (who always ruin their own lives and at least twenty other people) The game will not be popular only to victims of this, the game will b pretty good in its own right as a video game. As a value to the movement and community rises (popularity and purchasing) as most NFT games/collections/communities do at whatever rate we will b putting together:
- Documentary movies about parental alienation, and other voodoo tricks.
- T-shirt production and direct marketing to th tough guy groups in this [x,x,x]
- Digital anti-kidnapping culture [x,x,x]
- Billboard rentals
- Creative legal pressure – great battle plan here!
The game developers have crazy stories behind them! Lots of success and life experience from the front lines on this team!
Honored Military veterans, self-made millionaires, target parents, and adult children of alienation on the team; one of which has been doing anti-kidnapping creatives and documentaries consistently since 2013.
This video game-fueled NFT collection will have incentives for biological upgrades to self and the environment around the community. There will be NFTs gained only through push-ups and burpees and running challenges, as well as for tree planting and tree maintenance. The VoodooVerse will b construct using cosmic patterns and structures but tethered to new members-intentional tree coordinance worldwide.
Our community building structure and timeline are well-thought-out and planned to keep the community strong, we have done immense amounts of study of strong NFT communities over the past months.
A team member is a life-long expert at building strong teams that can operate at all levels of difficult mission agendas.
We are the perfect team to cultivate effective culture and branding, that underlines passionate honor code lifestyles throughout humanity.
We are already working to bring this game to ten languages [Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Hungarian], which will come later this year in their own versions, game covers, and download pages.
This “play 2 earn crypto game,” will go on creating levels infinitely, and awarding the power to top game participants to also create and developed content as time goes on.
Generally speaking, these games enthusiasts will b a pretty tough bunch able to make social-cultural changes that have been very difficult for th “Awareness Movement.”
I have always been in th mind that parental alienation witchcraft is the most brutal, selfish thing a person could do, and they use innocent children to do it. I was a paycheck child too, and I can’t tell what was more brutal what happened to me or what happened to my once princess now surgically exterminated from the body of this “sperm donation”. This is more of a call for something with teeth, this is not just a call for an “Alienation Awareness Campaign.”
So again, for me, I will die trying to kill this child-life sucking demon that has plagued mostly the English-speaking human cultures on this planet, while I live in countries that don’t have these most vicious problems.