The Coaching Arena
The Coaching Arena is one Apprentice CONCEPTUAL OPTION in the crypto token intened VUDUBRKR ONLINE GAME. Essentially you get in shape and help others get in shape and become closer to the next level VUDUBRKR Apprentice token.
Ten Day Challenges and so one can be completed by video and exercise and can be critiqued by more experienced coaches. Start to finish results time in the game, even over years could be graded by diverse, experienced coaches invested in the game and its integrity.
Value for bodybuilding, parkour, athletic performance, skateboard performance, or any sport or physical performance can be equated here.
I can see the new wave of athletic squads and maybe even new sports on the horizon already.
VUDUBRKR Apprentice Arenas
Other options for apprentices include:
- TREEPLANT missions use another “reality-results token concept” gained by planting trees. There must be a friend in the game in the geographic area of the tree planter, to be the tree inspector.
- Writer – Propagandist this is a solo mission and yields great profits in the beginning. Stories themselves could somehow become a statistical input since so much of these real issues have no valid statistical data collection… value? So many real targets of voodoo today have such important stories to tell.
- Development – must be a developer ()
In this Coaching Arena, players can be coaches or they can be “YUNG JUDI” and those Voodoo combatants in training. In the Coaching Arena, the Slogan is
Mental, spirutal and physical strength and ability go hand in hand.
This realm of physical activity is completed by YUNG JUDI and critiqued by a COACH.
Initial coaches will be sought out by real-life experience today so that we have really experienced coaching from the gate. I and my team are the gyms all the time and we can handpick these first-round coaches to make an organic root like I always like to do.
Abilities and value could be extensive here to include mention of local gyms and clubs into a live-time Voodoo Breaker hangouts down the line. The same map as in the tree mission can be used to tie the worldwide game together in person also ever-expanding focus features like these, which can really help super voodoo victims that need real support groups that know what they’re going through.
Voodoo Breaker is like the next level of James Bond that can do magic too and moves around in the age of modern tech in the real world. Being that this currency means, the community holding it is stronger, more conscious, and more karmically empowered the players in this game of life will be the “deeper elite,” and arguably richer than the actual or financial “elite.” Even more balance from the blockchain.
Take that Voodoo!
We make the Newtonic Law a now, with precise actuation through the New Renassaince. There is even a real super-nutritional wellness retreat in the Caribbean now where the Big Bad Voodoo Dad is making the good brew and treating the seriously downed. There will be more of these and the health level will rise. Our dev teams own personal think space where we consume some of the most super-powered nutritional diet schematics offered on the planet today, and our brains and our bodies fire like never before.
Competition and gameplay on the real field in the real ring or in the real basement now has been placed in the VUDUBRKR Online Reality Play Game.
I mean really who does not want to be part of the VUDUKRU anyways? They all do.
Third-party bock chain channels such as rumble or bit chute will host the videos and the watch link will be represented in the ledger.
Judgment scales will be created and function to judge athletic value. This function can be much like the wool growing function of the right now booming Wolf Game. The difference is that wool growth is based on muscle or performance growth or the amount of muscle or performance judged.
There is a balance to judgment. Right? Though shall not judge others… Who are you to be the judge and the jury? Are you even honest!? In general as a day-to-day person are you even honest!? The numbers of John Wayne types are falling rapidly. Where is the VoodooBreaker when you need him?
So could the balance do one then judge one?
Could we hide this dynamic principle all should know and let game players discover one day that being a judgmental punk will cost you in the end? We could just have that one too many judgments number out there and wabang, “get back to doing push-ups cool guy!”
Recirculate this cat who thinks he knows much but really needs to LEARN.
The Writers Arena and the Coaching Arena should be in the root phase of the game for sure. Writers may feed some great ideas into the coaching and other areas.
What real hustler or crypto guru these days can’t appreciate tokens for push-ups!!??
Be nice to toughen up the ranks of modern culture and crypto culture as much as we can no?
Peer-to-peer training incentivized by income for it, inside a cool game – this is going to catch on like a wildfire because essentially that is what it is!