Incarcerated +
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These sick jealous, small-minded destroyers of potential and love for their own child want their child’s other parent in jail.
Simply they want to see targeted parents in the worst condition possible.
While creative people with souls pursue ideas, these mosquito people are stuck on other people.
They have chosen to be parasitic and needy rather than strong and independent.
The worst choices a person can make for themself are for crutches, comfort, and codependency.
You will pay for this lack of gratitude, God only respects a hustler.
While these trashy alienators build bad karma, we will build strength.
We are done falling into the hands of these pathetic pieces of human garbage.
They call them “alienators” these people who attack us, use our children to hurt us and want us in jail while they commit the worst crimes imaginable.
They will say it openly. The targeted parent has likely read this incarceration hope of these slimy bitches in harassing social media messages.
See I have been incarcerated most of my life. I grew up in hardcore street life. Tied to gangs and all kinds of illegal businesses.
I became a prince, I had all my older friends much tougher than I working for me by 17 years of age. Had nice cars, multiple houses, a studio.
I left it all when I found out I had a child on the way.
I disappeared from my home and joined the military.
There is plenty of voodoo that has us pointed for the cell.
Cool culture, group culture today has us pointed to the cell it is riddled with voodoo.
Politics has us pointed to the cell it is riddled with voodoo.
Music today has us pointed to the cell, it is riddled with voodoo.
Family court and related agencies are some of the largest witches in the voodoo game overall and they use the innocent daily.
Movies and TV has us pointed to a cell. It is riddled with voodoo.
Facebook is now being talked about in Congress for pointing us to the drama and the rot so that we too become morally corrupted soulless jailers too.
We are in a voodoo world my friends and they want you dead, fat, depressed, mentally shot, bankrupt, and incarcerated.
My kid’s mother was always the piece of shit that she is today. I was paying for her apartment while she was pregnant until I came there and beer bottles were everywhere, and her sister was cussing at me over the bullshit stories back then.
I told her I was paying for her party while pregnant pad anymore and she took off to her grandparents in another state, punishing me by telling me I couldn’t be there for the birth.
My military service would pay for the best surgery, for the birth defect that came from this. Heart surgery on six months old here we go.
The best care for the first four out, and I would sleep there at the hospital the entire time, while the mother and her family would come to do drama – that was so obviously fake as f.
I would have refused, but they never offered me a bed at their very large house a few miles away, where this mother also went daily.
I remember how sick the mother’s mother made me with her drama. My mother was the same the two grandmothers and the mother are all the same lying, dramatic, losers.
These two women actually refused to put my name on the birth certificate then, just because it was something I wanted.
The doctor watched s these fake selfish people plotted and schemed over the child and pulled me out of the room and gave me a warning that I was facing an alienator.
He gave me some forms and did some tests told me to sign and that he would get my name on the certificate, but warned they would exploit that for money and he could see it a mile away and had seen it a lot in the past.
You know what this mother did fill out though, for 500$ she filled out a packet admitting to drug and alcohol use while pregnant. When I caught her doing this I was sick, not only because of the situation but because I could tell how little responsibility she took for this.
These pathetic pieces of trash that will for the suffering of others will also do anything for 500$ I have learned, and they will do it over and over monthly.
Today she has abused her child severely for over two decades, frauded the courts in several ways near 100 times, and her whole family has sent messages saying they “hope I rot in jail,” and “I hope you die in a miserable way.”
They want us dead, in jail, homeless, suffering, the worst.
What they don’t consider is in years we will either die or become their worst nightmare: success once again.
I could have given two fucks about this lady before she kidnapped my kid. We all know that is part of why she did it. It’s definitely all about the parents and pure negligence about the kids that this is done.
That’s, not even the right word they use the children as the spear. They are the fist of the worst kind of dark horrible domestic violence.
Your worst nightmare is losing your child to brainwashing voodoo – they gave you that.
Their worst nightmare as pathetic as this is; is seeing you become successful again after being totally taken out where you were supposed to suicide or remain destitute forever.
So we are all gonna make sure that each one of us becomes successful again.
How, you ask?
The voodoo breaker system is a guaranteed to succeed system, that was developed in the hottest fires of the core of hell.
This daily program if performed will bring “victims to heroes,” and pull up our brothers and sisters from the depths of the fall, so make sure you share it with who you care about that is going through this.
Sponsor others to keep yourself in check also, this is a principle tried and tested by the military, by support groups for addiction (AA, NA), and we try to build a solid community with a dedicated “buddy system.”
It’s crazy how many people you see go so fast in “targeted parent communities and advocacy programs.”
It’s hard for anyone to accept but the TRUTH IS these people are trying to kill us in as many ways as possible and the primary way is through our emotional relationship with our kids.
I am absolutely sure that anyone who performs these daily rituals to completion will “break the voodoo and become the best you.”
So what are you waiting for?
Get out of the fog, and start rebuilding your life now.
The children of alienation are incarcerated, and they don’t even know. They are bound and chained into a bad situation with bad people and the tools, and the realizations needed for them to even get out on their own and spread their wings are “clipped.”
It’s like people who never walk their dog, or keep a flying animal in a cage. It is hard to watch this kind of treatment.
Good people want to do something.
We are in a voodoo world my friends, and to try to fix or bring justice to voodoo people is a crime.
So what you need here is the same, a daily program that works through the pain.
We are all alienated.
The voodoo in the world in the liars, has us separated from the truth.
We are separated from our natural roles as human beings, and full of voodoo curses and deceptions.
A majority of human beings have already made so many selfish decisions the game is over for them. They have only one modality now.
Voodoo is in the money know this. Sure those who worship the dollar seem to get it, but this is a mistake.
Remain balanced, build strength, that way when the money comes back you will be ok.
Right now likely the money game is not one to play. It is on this board that many lose their way.
Focus on passion and DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Be true my friends, don’t let the liars make you a liar.
They really abuse some of us for so long, we have to be in abusive situations to feel normal.
We are to a degree lost because we have been in an unnatural environment.
So we have to get away, on our own, and find ourselves.
It takes dedicated work over years to really do this.
It does not have to hold people back for as long as it does!!!
We hope with a proper workbook, sponsorship, and organization program we can see the culture, the courts, and the death and incarceration rate go down.
It is estimated that 25% of people incarcerated have child support obligations. [1 (13% of all country jail inmates fo child support!), 2, 3, ]
I just keep thinking of how many times and liar ways my kid’s mother tried to get more money out of me after she was already getting as much as I lived on at that time.
She was drunk on a regular basis all these years. She didn’t send my daughter with clothes or car seats even though I paid for them all.
She left my daughter in the care of an unrelated single male adult while bringing in consecutively numbered receipts right out of a receipt book she bought at the drug store and said she had 500$ a month of daycare expense.
Right in front of the mediator, she committed this fraud of the courts, and nothing was done. No one call to find out there was no daycare nothing.
She went a bought a brand new car, way outside her own means with high monthly payments, she had the newest nicest car of anyone our age at that time.
She would do Jerry Springer shows at half the pickups demanding gas money always late for drop-offs always early for pickups always calling during my four days a month.
Always trying to limit what we could do because she knew what a good time me and my child always had.
All because I wanted my kid and not her.
Sick selfish piece of shit to abuse her own child for that.
You never know how having your child kidnapped and brainwashed is going to affect you as the target parent.
I stay a large distance away at all times so I don’t have quick access to go kill all these mutherfuckers involved with this shit.
You do what you have to do to continue being a good person.
We are gonna break the voodoo, were gonna go through and look at every piece and every clue and make sure none of this shit is affecting you.
Look, my youth, we can’t have you on this crew, not while the voodoo is in you.
To be in this group, you must be the super you, that can kick the voodoo.
Another thing you need to know. If your name is submitted to an agency called DCSE, whether or not the parent who submits your name is receiving money for you they can register a claim uncontested that they don’t.
This is one of the dirty tricks here with incarceration and your ability to leave and enter the United States.
I am an honorably served war veteran and they did this to me, and the joke of an agency took 14 months to figure it out. By that time the loss was nuclear to include a multi-million dollar inheritance for this child.
I never missed child support, I was never late. I cut child support once I found out about this fraudulent filing that locked me out of the country where my business and everything I knew was.
You are no good to anyone in jail, and we have program levels A, B, and C here to get you out of this unconstitutional slavery and persecution.
If you pay your check directly to the parent stand by and look for a filing with this DCSE joke of agency that has no checks and balances, take no responsibility for the damage they cause to anyone, that should be involved with zero children.
Get with the program today to know more.
Click the link in the description below to start breaking the voodoo today.