Play VOODOO KILLER Online Crypto Video Game Now!!NEW!! Release!! Play to win VUDUBRKR NFTs!!! We are going to Kill all these soulless control freaks!

  • New Culture Creators

    Create a New Stronger, More Intelligent, More Thriveable Culture with us!Much of our "Video Game Community" is checked out on certain cultural points of view from the VB founders and leading NFT holders. "B's School of Hustling" is the firstVoodooVerse education program and it does build an inside to outside strength. & provides a(nother) way to earn VB NFTs

  • Rituals. Jungle Juice. Self-Betterment

    In this game VoodooBreakers are all about nature, fitness, nutrition, respect and individuality. We feel inspired to promote a strong, healthy, brave, and balanced culture through the wonderous worlds on the blockchain metaverse or; Voodooverse. We do NFT's, Online Games and much more to support the already strong, intelligent crypto community culture! We are all about that next level.

    Its a matter of going through the proper steps and motions (the rituals). Some don't take it seriously. For those who do; this community and content is designed to deliver concrete, helpful diamonds of experience and knowledge concerning becoming the best in the face of the worst. The VoodooBreaker crypto game content can help the fallen rise, and the weakened regain their strength and start knocking it out of the park both in a out of real and meta-demensions. If this sounds like what you are ready for then break on through.

  • Community

    VoodooBreakers have to b strong, and they are usually pretty special individuals by nature. The inclinations and directions they follow are strong. Electricity takes the easiest path just like water. These are some of the strongest most powerful elements on earth and they take the easiest path. We take the hardest path because we know we get the next level from it, because we appreciate our inner will that much. We own our community, our forum, our servenet, our admin and it is better.

We are all about killing control-freak zombie tools of destruction and how to B Your Best!

VoodooBreaker VoodooKiller PC P2E NFT Game Trailer


Don't let the Voodoo get the best of you. Time to break the curse, and fly the highest point previously not thought of.

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