Duke City
The VoodooBreaker is a video game series, that is building a first-person shooter to come out on the both IOS and Android version that first introduces the control-freak killing storyline and the starting NFT line and community. A few mobile games will come on both IOS and Android, later this year – a distribution method for the initial NFTs. Finally, an NFT-based VoodooVerse where the real magic goes down.
Product Placement Opportunities!
… so true we need to start thinking about turning this around, and using the “cool” tools kids like to do it maybe? https://t.co/uV4eN8i9iT https://t.co/p4VIkaeJH1
— VoodooBreaker.com (@Voodoo10x) July 8, 2022
dev doc 4, sound files
this is an internal development document used for fractional reference
This GDD [Game Design & Development notes] covers two main parts 1. Overview and 2. Sequential Gameplay and Animations, at “SEQUENTIAL EVENTS” below..
VoodooBreaker Duke City is a first-person-shooter-style killing spree with lots of blood [special request feature], that plays like a traditional zombie killer and has a storyline about a group of “Live and Let Live People,” (“ANGELS”) identifying narcissist control-freaks and control-freakism as the fault of all problems in the world. ANGELS are nomads who left the cities and made their own way in their second and third generations. The father of the movement was from Duke City, and his son has returned to see his famed father’s (who lives in memory now only) roots. He discovers that there are more like him surviving just outside the city in the Jemez mountain high grounds. They have engaged in battle with the control freaks in hopes to regain control of the Duke City “where it all began.”
The ANGELS have a secret recipe for a plant drink they make with over 60 special fruits and herbs in it. they call it “Jungle Juice” and they are experts at cultivating certain plants and finding others. The Jungle Juice is the energy-up item in the game and is placed around sporadically as increasing required strategy and difficulty progresses through the levels. This juice also allows player 1 to see people for who they really are.
5 Sacred scrolls will contain codes that the players will use to trade for NFTs. These scrolls will be placed throughout the game in hard-to-find places. They have nothing to do with winning.
In our first stage of development, this is a 1 player game. That said players create unique users that will carry into multi-player mode when we are able budget-wise to develop that upgrade. We would like it if when users finish the game for the game to send us a message with their player details and score (*which could be the time it took the player to win), so that we can maintain an online (our website) ranking board of the “Most Effective Voodoo Breakers.”
4 tiers of enemies exist from soulless “Control Freaks” who slash and look like dark shadows, or zombies and they just claw and bite and grab, to mindless “Enablers” who look normal and shoot player 1 with guns. Then there is APD and these guys are like the royal guard for the witches who are the hardest enemy, and oftentimes they hide behind groups of little children and APD officers who look like paid militants in the same tactical uniform.
Controls can be standard controls for an fps, I assume two different layouts or button choosing is also available to plug in – please definitely make it advanced a game as possible when easy to do so, and reserve time for our very limited starting budget.
Screen 1
Character Select (several choices are great!)
They should be able to enter their email, birthdate, and nickname (We need to save a unique profile).
Soundtrack (editing not final – will provide soundtrack)
Screen 2
Training mode where a few animations play [skip animations button included] play as the character walks, shoots, picks up things and opens doors, jumps, takes cover, etc.
(we will provide the finished soundtrack with narrations, sound effects, and voice recordings, but we need these scenes animated. This also gives the story more or less. [1,2])
“They No Longer Allow Control Freaks to Get Away With It All…”
A wild plant cocktail they call “Jungle Juice,” allows the “Voodoo Breaker” to see deeper levels of things for the control-freaks it is seeing the inside on the outside. Fruits and vegetables in the store, women, and men in the world, can be beautiful on the outside and toxic rotting black holes on the inside, and they are bound to cause some sort of cancer, social, cultural, mental, and physical. We have found a way to tell the difference.
After years and years of selfish decision-making as a society, we became sick and we changed from builders into destroyers, and the richest couldn’t get enough and the poor couldn’t get treated worse. Our over-governed societies became totally dark extremes. Ultimately economies were ruined by the few ridiculously wealthy and sick among us – this is our world’s broken record history from the beginning.
Narcissistic Tyranny – these control freaks will endlessly deceive us!
A small group of us went out to nature and we got away from the cities, and we began to rebuild meaningful communities. There was a short-lived time when we were left alone – but as we made mistakes by allowing bad membership; we opened doors for bad things to happen. We became comfortable and, eventually the super sick crept its way in and poisoned us from the inside. It is amazing we survived.
Then a very small group of us relocated and started to build again in super-secrecy and in a guerilla-style with twenty backup places to move to and a trail network and all of it. We worked day and night and pooled all assets and resources to the task.
The witches at the end of it all — did a secret ritual to expose anyone who had escaped their mind-control wrath and they found us through the “VoodooVerse;” a metaverse world that coincides with ours we didn’t know existed. In this VoodooVerse, there is a whole new realm of beings and possibilities.
For too long we didn’t have access to it, we didn’t know what was going on, but we encountered every kind of opposition we could have. We got strong. Really strong, and we got wise. Really wise. Eventually, we infiltrated them and learned about their tricks, and their psychology, we learned to test for the narcissist trait.
Later, we captured a few of them and after several days of torturing them, we learned how to navigate the VoodooVerse before we fed them to the dogs.
If we ever traveled back into cities we would get a clear reminder of how off-track it all is there. This is not the best place for a solo mission, don’t look at TVs or advertisements or the fake smiles, and shiny clothes all around – hearing their words could be dangerous we have learned. We think we are tough, but I have seen the hardest of us fall. I can never pinpoint exactly what straw breaks the stack.
The witches did not want the idea to get out that people could rebuild nice lives outside of their systems. We were strong enough to survive all their attacks, and finally, they made a deal with us to leave us alone- the stipulation was that would procreate amongst ourselves and leave their mind-control slaves to the fire.
I can’t say I am not proud of them, but our first generation of young had a conscience that was like no other. They couldn’t stand to see their brothers and sisters of God be tortured and abused to serve the toxic lifestyles of the Narc control-freaks.
My son knew that I cried once at the fall of my home in the beloved Duke City. He went back there to save it from the control freaks, and he found the fight had been real and ongoing the whole time, that there were others like us there. That many parts of Duke City had fallen, but the entire heart of the place still went on. This is amazing because virtually every city we know us has completely fallen to its rath.
He said he found some of the toughest people in the world there may be even tougher than us… well, our tribe is originally from there also, technically. My son said that the spirit and wisdom of the gangs around that area were nothing short of heroes and geniuses. He said finally he understood what made me who I am and why we survived.
He and I are miracles in themselves, he was kidnapped by his mother when he was young. She had him to trap me, but once it was clear I wanted nothing to do with the black-hole lady, and she knew I loved him at the point he was ten, she saw how should deal me the most effective blow I could have been dealt. Poor kid, then he has to find out what a control freak narc she actually was.
He’s been through a lot.
The control-freakism is everywhere, |
[deleted material (6/18)]..we ourselves perform a mandatory non-negotiable set of daily rituals to make sure we don’t catch the dark self-imploding disease.
Be careful out there, the control freaks are all over the place — but have fun out there, remember it’s just another day- there will be many.
Remember that I love you, that you are my child, no matter what happens I have invested in nothing as I have invested in you, and I wish you the best.
Never trust a control freak, and never tell a lie. [end deleted material (6/18)]
“It’s a day. Just another day.. (over and over in the thoughts of one young woman who is stealthfully navigating through the Duke City)
5 scrolls are featured placed throughout the game, and when they are found there is a code that unlocks a redeemable NFT.
“There are 5 scrolls that contain codes. These codes unlock NFTs that will be used throughout the life of the VOODOOBREAKER BRAND of games and the eventual MASTER GAME. These NFTs gain holders access to the VOODOO VERSE. This NFT community is like no other. We are an NFT gang on a mission.
The Turdds are everywhere.” Tyrannical Useless Rediculous Deceivers & Destroyers are everywhere!
Development Stage 1:
Player 1 gets to town -“Duke City.” Immediately he encounters the enemy, and he sees that Jungle Juice is around so he knows there are LIVE AND LET LIVE PEOPLE somewhere. He thinks out loud quickly: “Wow that’s jungle juice, there are other live and let live free people here!”
In this first round of development, we will do a one-player game, a first-person shooter (Call of Duty style), but we want to make it multiplayer where a team of individuals can eventually attack all these control freaks together. At this multiplayer time, what kind of communication can teammates have – can they have a radio hit a button, and talk to other players?
Key features:
- Lots of Blood! Super bloody, blood everywhere when shots and sword strokes hit.
- Deep breathing and blood spitting when less than 50% health.
- Blurred vision at 20% health
- Jungle Juice is placed through the game to recharge health.
- Ammo for all guns is unlimited but a reload button should be used.
- When the player dies a black screen reads in white letters: “Because you are so weak, others will deal with the control freaks.” Then another similar screen will “The only thing that evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing. – Edmond Burke.”
- An option for “headphones” in the menu, whereas the soundtrack can be turned on or off (default on). [this is a radio station that teaches permaculture and new species for the jungle juice, it is a rebel radio station in between tracks (we will provide one .MP3 for this)]
- Spanish “Espanol” option in the menu ([soundtrack]) + button during animation to switch to “Espanol”
- Five Scrolls are placed – Question – can they open in a default mobile browser? download pdf to phone?
- Starting weapon select – (alternate weapon placement in-game for each selection)
- Female VoodooBreaker Player 1 option .. [English () -Spanish () (sounds)]
- Each enemy (below 4) is also displayed and explained in quick slides before the game start.
- “Skip Animation” button during animations.
Player 1 has the weapons from the VoodooKiller PC Game plus a samurai sword and grenades, pipe bombs, flame thrower, and Molotov cocktails (?) ! – A Maraca (handheld musical instrument) [1] is found in the game and goes into weapons selection.
Scene is a. (post-apocalyptic, run-down, dessert) —
The first level will have four enemies:
- Enablers – these are humans that support the control freaks, they are fooled by the Voodoo, many the lesser form of Voodoo- ‘Television Programing’ but they pick up the gun for them nonetheless. They will be watching TV commonly until they notice Player 1, then they will stop looking at the TV and start firing at Player 1.
- Control-Freaks – These are soulless zombies or flaming skeletons, or demon-looking characters. They are everywhere the most common enemy and they have no guns, manipulation and clawing, scratching, and hitting are their attacks.
- APD – These are cops, they work for the control freaks, and they are heavily armed. They are a hard fight! “APD” should be written on their hats and sleeves. Action-type music should play during these events. The cop should say “get in line” one time. Player 1 should say “Suck my Dick.” APD shows up in Cops’ cars.
- Witches. They use lies, manipulation, TV programming, witchcraft, and poisons. They are the rarest enemy and they have no weapons they have others do their dirty work. Many times they will hide behind little children and flying monkeys that are always with them so you can’t shoot them. The word “TURD” should be written on them somewhere. When they are encountered they yell “get that abuser – he is a bad man” every three seconds. Player 1 says “Turdd! I found a bitch! Barbeque time!” Action-type music should play during these fights. They are hard to hit and disappear fast. They are usually near government buildings, offices, radio and TV stations, etc. If a player can kill a Witch he gets a Prospect NFT. [if we need to we can issue a password – then they can enter the password at VoodooBreaker.com, fill out the form with their wallet address and we can send NFT that way] – Only the flame thrower, and or malatov cocktails hurts the Witches and a note appears on the screen (English and Spanish) explaining to use the flame thrower.
Sound files:
- “get that abuser – they are the bad person, not me! – I am a turd!” Witch Voice has spoken by with when encountered
- I found a bitch! Barbeque time!” Player 1
- “get in line” APD on encounter
- Player 1 —-TBD– on the encounter of APD
- I found a bitch! Barbeque time!” Witch Voice has spoken by with when encountered and Player 1 is female
- Kiss my ass! When encountering APD as Player 1 Female
Spanish Mode
- Esta persona es el malo! no yo!
- Consigue la pendeja! Tiempo Barbacoa!!!
- Frio! Alta! Para!
- Beso me culo, pendejo!
Player 1 must kill an initial wave of control freak enablers, which are humans with guns. He will go through a quick training on how to duck, jump, pick up things, and get cover.
After killing a large wave of enablers, another video-story mode plays:
(another story mode hits ↡)
Animation Scene Two (GamePlay Story)
Player 1 (the son) finds another live and let-live soul and he asks how they have survived here in the city for so long.
We have barely survived. We enhanced land in the mountains and it became really productive and we released tons of animals there also and we are able to hold the high ground, eat and drink non-toxic nutrition and water.
Duke City is not that big a city and the people there who were tough enough to repel these guys in the beginning, were really tough, so I’m the second generation.
[Sound File for animation (included soon)]
I am also the second generation after the control-freak takeover, my father is from here.
Oh really? Now we’re really gonna have to check your pedigree cool guy– this is the toughest of the tough here, don’t ever talk shit in this place!
Thinking to self: Hmm maybe I have said too much just now. Who knows what drama could have been invented about my Dad? Could there be a bad reason that he left, will these people know him, hate him love him how can I know? I must make a friend and have him tell me if this name is known here. From here on out I don’t know who my Dad was or what his name was, they called him Cheif, that’s all I know, they say he was from here.
Talking out loud: Well I didn’t know him, I came here only knowing he was from here and I thought maybe, it would mean something to come here.
Listen trust me, don’t mention anything about that, keep your mouth shut for a while and treat everyone around here with absolute respect at all times; trust me you don’t want to get short with anyone here, and don’t look at people in the eyes, your in the Duke City now, this is a whole other world.
…Throughout history, Billy the Kid, his Gang of Regulators, and plenty of times before him in Native American times, people from this very area for thousands of years have repelled thousands of ill-intended attacks and takeovers from various control freaks, it has been non-stop throughout the history of this place.
People have been driven to eat pets and relatives to survive, and all of your worst nightmares have gone down around here several times over several eras.
Einstein said, “Great Spirits will be opposed violently by mediocre minds.” Well, we were great, and then they moved in with the TV thing, and this crazy Royal Guard they have to push the peasants around…we have had enough…
We hate bullshit people more than anyone there is and we will die to see our young free of the control freaks.
We are non-stop, flow state, to flow state, every day. You will need to train, –very very hard.
Your gonna have to prove yourself here, I will look out for you cause I see something decent in you. But here you better be able to pull your weight and three other people too. Around here people do not trust new faces so don’t be interested in what anyone is doing. Stay quiet, and when it’s time to step up, use the opportunity wisely and make a strong mark.
If you can become an apprentice with one of these old-schoolers out here, you will be on the fast track.
Apprentice Token purchase option*** or yellow title screen shoots in over last 6 seconds of animation, that says purchase Apprenticeship Tokens in the main menu and have a link there….
Player 1:
—– player one proceeds to go on a first-person killing spree of zombies and their highly damaging followers who have the guns.
There should be like 6 cops and 2 turds in this first development, the second being at the very end. So winners will end up with two NFTS (two different passcodes issued)
When the second is killed this short story mode should start:
Produced (as of now – more to come!) by the MVPofNFT.com, NutritionalDiversity.com (origination of the Jungle Juice”), the UnfadeableImages Independent Films, “Super Dads whose kids have angry moms” on Facebook.
Game Design: Mickey Angel
Programming: VBX Team
Character Design: Brandon Angel
Old Man Mickey Angel
(Spanish) Manuel Sanjur
Player 1 Male Brandon Angel
Player 1 Female (English) Regina Gonzales
Friend Regina Gonzales
(Spanish) Carolina Romero
Cop Robert Allen
Runner1 Holly Weaver
Driver1 Seth Weaver
Runner2 Damian Gonzales
Original Soundtrack: DJ Trist, Mickey Angel
Completion of the game gains players 3 Polygon NFTs until the Duke City NFT is gone then it will continue to give two of the type below or a new type.
“It all started in the Duke City.” (on nft)
The Duke City NFT is one of the most valuable NFTs in the collection there are ten thousand. It is a Polygon chain NFT.
The Duke City NFT gives holders, access to:
- Access to the VoodooVerse: A VoodooBreaker’s online paradise complete with more games, super-secret forums, and super cool creative content and spaces where some serious super strength building inside and out goes down!
- Access to special items in future game levels.
- Super High-Level Highly Limited Duke City Events.
- Discounts at participating merchant locations, worldwide vacation spots, and AirBnB networking club.
- Super high-quality information sorted by the collective team!
- Discounts @ the VoodooBreaking Store.
- 50% off Duke City Clothing Company (down the line)
DCCC and VBStore will sponsor skaters, boxers, martial artists, and breakers (in the Duke City first). This is an excellent way to support a health and wellness culture and subsidize clothing costs for those who need that the most.
The game introduces the VBQ token “BBQ Time!”. This token is a worldwide VBQ networking, access pass, for putting together great Barbeque Events with like-minded people. Complete with a BBQ networking map on the VoodooVerse – later to make a barbeque outlet deal [x].
VUDU GoldChip (50k total), VUDU BluChip (100k total), VUDU RedChip (150k total), VUDU WhiteChip (200k), VUDU StarChip (250k), and VUDU Planet (300k), and chips are also issued in this game. These NFTs will be used in the Voodoo Casino on the VoodoVerse to come.
We must receive all development files for this project, for quality assurance audit.
Abstract Notes —— don’t worry about this …
Training cadence:
Why o why does the control freak lie? I don’t know but he’s gonna die, I am gonna rip that lying face right off, and use the rest of em to feed my dogs. I am gonna frame that nasty lying face so that everybody knows what kind of place —
1, 2, what do we do?
1, 2, we are here to help you
1, 2, from your destructive ways
1, 2, this is the way it must stay!
and if we catch this sickos with kids, were going to torture their bitch asses for years and years!
Development questions:
Mobile shoot to open nft?
shoot to open web page?
link to open a web page?
- Five Scrolls are placed – Question – can they open in a default mobile browser? download pdf to phone?
NFT integration
Wallet integration (in the future)?
For mobile games can we have art around that can be shot, and open an NFT (open sea) in the phone browser?
It’s a daily ritual, a daily routine.
Killing off the rot from your life. Your immune system does it at a microcellular level if it has enough nutrients in it. It is up to you to do it socially, culturally, and with respect to your mind-body, and most importantly; spirit.
In this game you do it. You kill them all to encounter dynamic resistance, mental challenges, and real life-saving wisdom gains!
A game of wisdom, direction, and cultural sculpture “The Voodoo Killer Apprentice Game” is a fun P2E (play to earn) action first-person shooter game for the Windows operating system. It is a stand-alone self-operating .exe (no installation needed) that can be played from a USB stick and will b available also online via Steam-it.
Gamers win limited non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Etherium and Polygon blockchains that will be required to play future levels.
The first token is limited to the first 300 players who beat the first level; Voodoo Killer Apprentice Game.
“…another day on the fast track in the VoodooVerse.
If you have commentary, and critique without the drive to jump in and make it better, you have the voodoo on you. You have let it reduce you to a hater – there are billions, this is the real 99%. B strong enough to b your true self, not live the lie, get on your own spread your wings, see some things.
Diverse experience, wisdom, skills, hard work, good work, honesty, pressure, integrity, and ability are what independent souls rely on, and are proud of at the end of the day nothing less nothing more.
Anything that is corroded and diseased, must be cleaned and cared for. What we do, we do for the love of this great world.
Following the “Spartan” phase of the first 300 Maraca Ritual Tokens, the game file will be significantly upgraded, with more weapons, the ability to torture for information, a better headphone soundtrack, more music, more artists, more art, and the new VUDUBRKR Prospect & VUDUBRKR Jungle Juice NFTs.
The VoodooBreaker Mobile Game is already in the works. This game will also earn VUDUBRKR Tokens that will play in future games and the voodooverse.
The game has new features such as NFT collections in the game whereby shooting the token opens the browser gallery for that collection. This first round we have here has only one collection. However, in the future, we will support more collections within the game and her levels.
These feature NFT’s are all about the art, and the artist and they are not about the game. A game with an interest in supporting real cultural change and perspective should have art somewhere -where it is just about the art.
We appreciate the New Mexico Native originating artist “Noah Zark” who has been an inspiration to us since we were young, and we chose his Guerilla NFT Collection for this game level.
This NFT winning game will be taking care of the first players most and this trend will continue throughout gameplay.
The VoodooBreaker and VoodooVerse,
Training drill song
we are gonna kill the voodoo kill it right,
bbq the witches all day and all night
one-two they do what they do
we do what we do and make our own witches’ brew
control freaks are gonna die tonight! Hua!
one two, one two no more voodoo
hey control freaks!
We are going to kill all of you!
You can’t take us all hopped up on the jungle juice!
one two 3 4
NARRACIÓN DEL PADRE DEL JOVEN L&LL PERSON Después de años y años de tomar decisiones egoístas como sociedad, nos enfermamos y pasamos de constructores a destructores, y los más ricos no tenían suficiente y los pobres no podían recibir un trato peor. Las sociedades sobregobernadas se convirtieron en extremos totalmente oscuros. En última instancia, las economías son arruinadas por los pocos ridículamente ricos y enfermos entre nosotros: esta es la historia récord de nuestro mundo desde el principio. Un pequeño grupo de nosotros salimos a la naturaleza y nos alejamos de las ciudades. Comenzamos a reconstruir comunidades completas. Hubo un tiempo efímero en el que nos quedamos solos, pero como cometimos muchos errores; abrimos puertas para que sucedieran cosas malas. Nos pusimos cómodos y, eventualmente, el superenfermo entró sigilosamente y nos envenenó desde adentro. Es asombroso que hayamos sobrevivido.
Luego, un grupo muy pequeño de nosotros nos reubicamos y comenzamos a construir nuevamente en súper secreto y al estilo de la guerrilla, con veinte lugares de respaldo para movernos. Tambien una red de senderos. Trabajamos día y noche y reunimos todos los recursos para la tarea. Las brujas al final hicieron un ritual secreto para exponer a cualquiera que hubiera escapado de su ira de control mental, y encontrarnos a través del “VoodooVerse”.
Un mundo metaverso que coincide con el nuestro. En este VoodooVerse, hay un reino completamente nuevo de seres y posibilidades. Durante demasiado tiempo no tuvimos acceso a él, no sabíamos lo que estaba pasando, pero nos encontramos con todo tipo de oposición que podíamos tener. Nos hicimos fuertes. Realmente fuerte, y nos volvimos sabios. Realmente sabios.
Eventualmente, nos infiltramos y aprendimos sobre sus trucos y su psicología. Aprendimos a rastear el narcótico, capturamos algunos de ellos, y después de varios días de torturarlos, aprendimos cómo navegar por VoodooVerse antes de alimentar con ellos a los perros.
Si alguna vez viajáramos de regreso a las ciudades, recibiríamos un claro recordatorio de cuán desviado está todo allí. Este no es el mejor lugar para una misión en solitario, no mires la televisión, los anuncios, las sonrisas falsas y la ropa brillante por todas partes. Creemos que somos duros, pero he visto caer a los más duros de nosotros. Nunca puedo precisar qué paja rompe la pila. Las brujas no querían que saliera a la luz la idea de que la gente podía reconstruir lugares agradables y una vida agradable fuera de sus sistemas. Éramos lo suficientemente fuertes para sobrevivir a todos sus ataques y, finalmente, hicieron un trato con nosotros para dejarnos en paz si solo procreábamos dentro de nuestras filas y dejábamos a sus esclavos de control mental en el fuego. No puedo decir que estoy orgulloso de ellos, pero nuestra primera generación de jóvenes tenía una conciencia como ninguna otra. No podían soportar ver a sus hermanos y hermanas de Dios ser torturados y abusados para servir los estilos de vida tóxicos de los fanáticos del control Narcotico. Mi hijo sabía que una vez lloré por la caída de mi hogar en la amada Duke City. Regresó allí para salvarlo de los fanáticos del control, descubrió que la pelea había sido real , y constato que había otros como nosotros allí.
Que muchas partes de Duke City habían caído, pero todo el corazón del lugar aún continuaba.
Esto es sorprendente porque prácticamente todas las ciudades que conocemos han caído completamente en sus garras. Dijo que encontró algunas de las personas más duras del mundo que pueden ser incluso más duras que nosotros… bueno, nuestra tribu también es originaria de allí, técnicamente.
Mi hijo dijo que el espíritu y la sabiduría de las pandillas de esa zona eran nada menos que héroes y genios. Dijo que finalmente entendió lo que me hizo ser quien soy y por qué sobrevivimos. Él y yo somos milagros en sí mismos, fue secuestrado por su madre cuando era joven. Ella lo tenía para atraparme, pero una vez que estuvo claro que no quería tener nada que ver con la dama del agujero negro.
Ella supo que yo lo amaba cuando tenía diez años, entendio que podia darme el golpe más efectivo que podría haber. Pobre chico, entonces tiene que averiguar qué narcótica obsesionada con el control era ella en realidad.