Your Attitude of Gratitude is Everything!
Parental Alienation and other forms of hardcore voodoo aim to rob us of our “attitude of gratitude.” Whether we realize it or not it is this modality that acts as our door opener.
The reverse is the door closer.
So once upon a time we did well, did a good job, and left proud each day with an appreciation for life, etc., and now we have lost that special appreciation for life and may have even developed a disdain for it.
This is the voodoo.
I cursed God.
It was around nine years ago now, and it was not pretty.
Four very special people were taken from my eyes all in super brutal and unexpected ways.
Nothing compared to the loss of my daughter, the spiritual assassination of her in order to hurt me, I should say.
It was the only way a person was gonna get to me. I was already too tough by then.
Only through my child would someone be able to hurt me by then.
I just never thought her own mother would destroy her relationship with me, “how could a parent even go there.”
How is the shady deal they make with the government to do this so easy?
There are many questions that race through the mind of a person under such a morbid attack.
After 12 years as a missionary’s assistant and youth leader in my church; I cursed God.
It was when my kid was finally taken and I knew it would work that time.
I took the fall of all falls for it.
Remember that this change in appreciation is specifically what causes much of the disaster.
In other words, much of the damage intended by the attacker can be thwarted by a continued daily program that focuses on communicating gratitude with ACTION, each morning before light breaks.
Push past the voodoo.
Get into the gym and onto the track, get up early, and get the sunrise so that you can get the guarantee that this is not going to work on you.
Get with the program.
Follow the daily program from the baby steps through to the upper levels and get into your best shape using the worst of cases.
It is very hard to see this but the fact that you face “the worst of cases” is the opportunity to become the “strongest among men.”
The level of your pain and tragedy can become the equal but opposite reaction – in more ways than one.
We are all targeted by voodoo to some degree today.
It is in the advertising, in our culture, and everywhere around any city.
This is why going into nature allows one to heal.
I can go very deep into this, if you are interested to know more click the link in the description below.
In most Ancient cultures, the Native American, the Inca, the Hindu, back before iphones, it was customary to be up and ready for sunrise, and the beauty she provides regularly heals, humbles, and hums to the individual who is up early and catches her first glimpse.
This has been found to be mandatory when combating the dark arts.
When in front of the sunrise laced up and ready to run in the dawn, true appreciation for life and the day is communicated and nature communicates the power to recover from things like depression or toxification.
Spend some time with lady sunrise she will give you the best ideas to use as you attack the day.
In this program wake up is 3am, so you should have no problems being early to sunrise.
It is hard to really appreciate the world and appreciate yourself, be as confident as possible when your not doing it!
You have to really do it, there is no way around it and if you cut corners I promise you’ll just do it again.
No point in doing something unless your going to do it right.
Once you do it a few times you get used to getting it done, and then you start doing more and more and more than your a superhero.
Nothing to it but to do it.
Just put one foot in front of the other and start doing it, start building your dreams.
Who knows what your gonna do.
Your gonna do something.
The main thing is that you SHOW UP!
I would like to refer readers to the research of Masura Emotto with flash-frozen microcrystalline water structures paying close attention to the superstructures in the appreciated samples.