A Cultural Investment Community that Beleives in Our Futue Generations
Everyone I know tells me “your daughter is gone, you need to get over it.” You need to let go. I can only think, you know if she wasn’t brainwashed for a decade and she didn’t like me based on some valid experience or abuse I could. However I did everything right, and everything she thinks is a brainwashed lie. I can’t help but know also that if we lived in a correct, natural culture where people would say at every turn, that kid needs to be in contact with her Dad and right now, uninterrupted and unmolested and his life and that kid’s relationship with him is none of your business anymore, now respect that relationship like he respects yous… she would not get away with. But no we live in a culture where this is an acceptable norm, we have dinner with friends that are lawyers that make banks off the heads and lives of innocent children and fathers (some mothers and grandparents too).
They may have lost faith in our young people, but I have not. I will slap a family court lawyer back and forth across a room, and I will tell the hard truth to children, and I will take alienators out and give them what they are asking for… but I don’t. Even though I know it was I should do, even though it’s what people say I would do – I don’t. I have not, through the thick of it. I will however go on the rest of my life explaining what human pieces of garbage people who deceive their brothers, sisters, and children are.
As a group we can do a lot, and I have a small group here in Latin America already we have a high-tech team at our disposal and we are set to do media projects over the next decade, and you can see some previous ones we have already done- before these two ridiculously talented all-stars have joined our team
Join The Community – FORUMS
Here we post memes, important statements, and backlinks to your content profiles and channels, and discuss more ways we can help people to follow positive connections, growth, and healing and put down the conflicts, separation, alienations, weaponization, deceptions, destructions, and dramas. A healthy, happy natural life is what we are all after as REAL people, and it seems to do that we must have operations and institutions that culturally combat the deceivers and destroyers who are narcissists, criminals, and those who do unto others as they would not like done unto them, that will never stop (very important – they do not stop until we stop them -EVER), and in times where they are organized and they re following the masses we need to start making cultural investments in the other direction. We need support for all creative attempts until a few punch through!
Most of us are taken out. Do a job tomorrow? -Yeah right.
Complete a thought today, one single thought or focused execution – not a chance. The Voodoo is too strong. The tug on the puppet string comes and there we are slaves to a master.
We are blessed to have a very talented high-tech office build us a school, some creative discussion forums to make development and communication fun and easy and a starting framework to start writing and building a video game, movie scenes, and animations for the VoodooBreaker brand youth culture investments and other creatives that liberate minds and souls from the worms and the fleas that plague us.
It takes diet, discipline, and hardcore daily ritual and routine to break it for most of us suffering it at a personal level as in “Parental Alienation” for example.
We must beware of hijackers. Narcissists and control freaks love to stalk and try to hijack anti-control freak individuals, groups, and information. They find it fun, they like to tell themselves they can’t lose. They go on their own campaigns of lies and try to do it bigger and better and shadier and more manipulative than you. We call these hijackers ‘agents of the matrix.’ this is an important differentiation.