We have been funneled by a two-party system, that governs all issues. Then We choose our party based on one issue many times.

We eat mono-culture food, we have mono-culture expertise and skill set, mono-culture thinking, and mono-culture drinking, we are easily given one problem, one solution, and over this one thing inside of abundant nature, we are; controlled.

Technology today, and in the last decade exists to provide for the ability to vote on diverse options for diverse problems, and do it well.

Why this has not been built, is amazing because it would not matter the administration. For example, if we can account for validated individual voting be it fingerprint or ID systems such as financial applications and ‘apps’ use today, and the administration did not follow the vote of the people on that issue, we can precisely identify bad administration that fails to execute the will of the people.

Finally, the government can fix the street, discontinue foreign wars, regulate agencies that have become corrupted, provide audit ops and reports, build new innovations, etc.

People can participate in national arts, sciences, and futures in a much more interested and motivated way.

Fairness and actual accountability so badly needed can be had very easily, voter verification included.